Generell ist ein Dist-Upgrade bei Debian Derivaten problematisch, hab ich mir sagen lassen. Diese Erfahrung hab zum Ersten mit Ubuntu 9.10 und meinem Dell-Laptop Vostro (1320) gemacht, das WLAN ging auf einmal einfach nicht mehr. Hier ein paar hilfreiche Forumthreads und Todo-snippets, um das WLAN wieder zum Laufen zu bringen.

1. WLAN Treiber installieren

Thread  9.1 Karmic Koala / DELL Inspiron 1525: WLAN driver/device not detected

Here’s how to get the Broadcom STA driver working. You will need to run these commands in a terminal.

1. sudo apt-get remove b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source ndisgtk ndiswrapper linux-backports-modules-karmic

Removes packages that could conflict with each other.

2. ls /etc/modprobe.d | grep blacklist

This lists the contents of the /etc/modprobe.d folder. Check the output of this command and make sure that there isn’t a folder called *b43.conf, *bcm43.conf, *ssb.conf, or *wl.conf. If there is, rename the file by typing: sudo mv thefile.conf newnameofthefile.conf.backup

3. sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source

This actually installs the Broadcom STA driver.

4. sudo cat /etc/modules

This lists the contents of the /etc/modules file. Check the output of the command and see if there is a line that says wl. If not, run echo „wl“ | sudo tee -a /etc/modules. That appends „wl“ to a new line at the end of the file.

5. Restart your computer and enjoy your wireless! By the way, I noticed that you said that you right-clicked the network icon –> you’re supposed to „regular“-click it.

2. NetworkManager fixen

Thread: 9.10 Karmic broke my wireless settings

Strangely, editing /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf to set (ifupdown) „managed=false“ to „managed=true“ fixed both the wired and wireless connections! Odd, but it’s working so I’m happy.

Bei mir hats geholfen, das WLAN funktioniert nun wieder. Ich hoffe euers auch.

Dienstag, 8. Juni 2010 [Allgemeines] RSS 2.0 / Trackback senden

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